Latest News
What Becomes of Our Refuse?
The Commissioners have just returned from a visit to see how the Energy from Waste Plant copes with the near Eight tonnes of refuse we generate as a Parish each week.
The message is that it is doing well and will continue to deal with our 'burnables' well in to the future; particularly as government continues to enhance recycling options.
It is estimated that that when operating efficiently the EfW contributes about 8-10% of th Island's Electricity needs, which is a significant contribution.
Particularly impressive was the clear commitment of the staff at the plant to delivering a high quality service for the benefit of the Island's residents.
The Commissioners are are keen to reinforce the message that items which don't burn so well such as glass bottles and steel/aluminium cans should be diverted from wheelie bins and consequently the EfW.
The Bring Banks at Dhoon, Glen Mona and Maughold Village are much hungrier for such items!
For further information on what you can recycle, and where, see our Recycling and Refuse Page or contact the clerk on 422148 or Watch this space for imminent news about book recycling in the Parish.
Maughold Social Club
Events for Maughold Social Club for the rest of the year are now posted on the Local Events page.
Chairman's report
The Chairman's report for the year is available to read. Click on the Minutes page to view.
Pirates of Port Lewaigue Re-Scheduled for 24th May
Maughold Social Club have rescheduled their 'Pirates of Port Lewaigue' Event for Sunday the 24th of May at 3.00 pm.
There'll be lots of pirate challenges for boys and girls (and mums and dads too!). Food will be available and there's a fancy dress competition where a Pirate King and Queen will be chosen. Shiver me timbers!
New Chairman!
Mrs Hazel Lace CP was elected as Chairman for the year 2009/2010 at the May Annual General Meeting of the Commissioners. Mark Cowley was elected as vice-chairman. Representatives elected to serve on the various Boards and Committees were as follows: Municipal Association: Mr Robert Moughtin.
Northern Housing Board: Mrs Gill Stephens.
NLA Swimming Pool Board: Mrs Hazel Lace CP.
Northern Traffic Management Liaison Group: Mr Mark Cowley.
Garff Joint Initiative Committee: Mr Robert Moughtin, Mr Mark Cowley.
Northern Neighbourhood Policing Forum: Available Member to attend by Arrangement
2009 Maughold Civic Service
The Civic Service will take place at Kirk Maughold this year on the 20th of September at 3.00 pm. All parishioners are warmly welcomed to join the Commissioners at the service and in the Church Hall following the service for refreshments. Further details will be announced closer to the time.
Parish Success in Spring Challenge Outdoor Pursuits Event - 4th May 2009, Ardwhallian.
The Commissioners were very pleased to hear that the Parish's representative in the Golden Jubilee Trust's Spring Challenge made a good account of himself, being praised for his "vital contribution to the team's success in the event". The Northern Team, made up of 14-16 year olds from the northern authorities finished first on the day. The event included a range of outdoor activities designed to be both physically and mentally challenging to the youngsters. These ranged from orienteering to mountain biking and kayaking. Well done to our entrant and thank you to Karen, the Parish's "Young Persons Champion", who organized the entry on behalf of the Commissioners.
Book Recycling
The Waste Minimisation and Recycling Unit at the DLGE have contacted the Commissioners with a view to installing book recycling facilities in the Parish. Site surveys are under way, but this unit will be placed at the Glen Mona Car Park or Dhoon Glen Car Park in the next weeks. More information to follow when available.