Latest News
Saturday 12 December 2009
  A Happy Christmas From the Commissioners in challenging and exciting times!

The Commissioners would like to take this opportunity to offer all Maughold residents a Happy Christmas and their Very Best wishes for the Coming Year.
In terms of the business of the Commissioners, 2010 already appears as if it will be both exciting and challenging. It is likely that in the next days the government will announce that additional waste disposal charges will be placed on local authorities from April of next year. This will be in addition to the twelvefold rise in audit fees that has been placed on the Maughold ratepayer - as detailed below. The Commissioners are committed to doing all within their power to mitigate the consequent rate rises involved through careful evaluation of all the services and facilities provided. Full explanation of the 2010/2011 rate will be provided to ratepayers early in the new year.
More positively there will be opportunities to work with government and improve both our sewage infrastructure and our recycling facilities (see below for further details).
  Commissioners Continue to Press Government on Upland Track Problems
The Commissioners continue to press Government on its approach to managing the upland track ways, particularly the Maughold Mountain Road that runs from behind the Glen Mona Hotel and over the tops to the Clarum and Snaefell Mines. The track way has been heavily damaged and widened into the moorland over the last five years, partly due to the volume of two wheeled vehicular traffic.

Our MHK, Speaker of the House of Keys, Mr Rodan will also be asking questions in Tynwald about government's management of the situation.

The Commissioners will continue to press government to ensure that adequate measures are put in place to preserve our ancient landscape.
Friday 11 December 2009
  H1N1 (Swine) Flu Vaccination
The Commissioners are in possession of the latest information on the H1N1 Flu vaccination. Please contact the clerk if you would like copies of the documents. This and other flu and health information can also be accessed on the government web site at
Wednesday 2 December 2009
  Twelvefold Rise in the Audit Fee
In recent months the Commissioners have been contacted by ratepayers concerned about the consequences of the twelvefold rise in audit fee charges being apportioned to Maughold and other smaller authorities from next year.
The Fee charged will rise from £251 to £3,000. The scale of rise has not been so dramatic in other town and village authorities.

The Commissioners have initiated communication with Treasury and the DLGE in regard to this exponential rise in charges applied to Maughold.

To date the Commissioners have been disappointed with the answers received as, in their view, they have failed to provide a reasonable justification for the magnitude of the rise.

The Commissioners believe that they need more detailed information to explain the extra charge on the rates to residents.

The full consequences of the twelvefold increase will be discussed at the December Meeting of the Commissioners.

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