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Friday 29 January 2010
  Agenda for the February Meeting of the Commissioners
The Agenda for the Public Session of the Meeting of the Commission on 01.02.10 is available by clicking here... /Public%20Agenda%2001.02.10.doc
  Commissioners' Surgery This Monday...
There will be a political surgery this coming Monday at the Dhoon Hall at 7.00 pm. Residents are encouraged to come down to discuss any matters relevant to the business of the Commissioners.

Perhaps you would like a brief on the transfer of charges from taxation to rates which will impact in the coming financial year. In short the Commissioners portion of the rate will remain at the current level of 108p despite the increases in central government imposed charges; including those for audit services and the civic amenity site at Ballacallow. A further charge of £27.50 will also be included on the rates demand for Year End 2011. This is to cover the charge for tipping of domestic waste at the Energy from Waste Plant which has been tripled for next year.

The Commissioners would very much welcome the opportunity to discuss these matters with ratepayers at the surgery on Monday evening.
Tuesday 12 January 2010
  Tipping Charge Transfer Confirmed

News has reached the Commissioners today that, as expected, the Waste Tipping Charge Subsidy is being reduced by Government from 90% to 71%. Effectively this will transfer charges from taxation on to the rates.

The Commissioners knew that this transfer was imminent and estimate that it will mean an increase in the order of up to £9,000 on the Parish. This constitutes about 10% of the Parish's current rate income.

This increaased charge accompanies other rises which are set beyond the control of local authorities by central government. Several months ago it was announced that the audit fee for next year would rise from £251 to £3,000 following completion of Treasury's competitive tendering process.

The Commissioners' budget for YE 2011 incorporates these increased charges. Savings have been planned in other areas to help mitigate their effect - see minutes link directly below for details. Full details of the budget will be provided to ratepayers as soon as possible.
  Minutes of the Meeting of 04.01.10...
are now uploaded to the Minutes Page. Please note these minutes will be approved at the next Commissioners Meeting, and may be subject to change.
Monday 11 January 2010
  Refuse Collection 11th January
The Refuse contractor has reported that the vast majority of properties have had their refuse collected today. One or two properties had to be missed due to ice and compacted snow on the approaches. If you are one of these properties please call the clerk on 422148 for advice on when the next collection can be undertaken. The longer term weather forecasts suggest that things should be back to normal next week.

The Commissioners thank the contractors for their commitment to ensuring that the vast majority of households have had their refuse collected this week.
  ...and thanks to the DOT!

The Commissioners have contacted Mr Corkish the Northern Area Maintenance Engineer at the DOT to thank his workers for their efforts to keep Maughold mobile during the last week; in the face of the heaviest snowfall for many years.

The commitment has been evident in the efforts to grit the A2 Coast Road and the time given to making many of the minor roads passable.

The grit boxes have been kept very well stocked which has assisted residents to clear their own 'patch', particularly on estates such as the Corony and Ballagorry. Their efforts are much appreciated in Maughold.
(Photo courtesy of Rachel Price Photography:

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