Latest News
Maughold IRIS Update - Glen Mona
The Water and Sewerage Authority have updated the Commissioners on their investigations into the alternative proposal to treat sewage at the current Glen Mona site rather than installing a pumping facility, access road, and parking on the Dhoon Field. The Environmental Protection Unit has provided Effluent Discharge Consents for a treatment works discharging into a stream above the Rhenab Ford. The investigations demonstrate that a plant could be installed to meet these requirements. The Sewerage Authority will now begin discussions with the landowner. This alternative option will then be assessed against the original proposal. It is anticipated that further details will be released in around three weeks.
The Commissioners are also in receipt of answers to the questions raised at the recent public meetings. Please contact the clerk for full details.
Refuse Collection Completed Today.
The contractors undertook the refuse collection this morning (Tuesday 30.11.10). The only areas that the vehicle could not reach were the houses beyongd the Limekiln on the road to the Gooseneck and properties on the Raad ny Quakyryn above Ballafayle. Please contact the clerk if you have been missed this week and need assistance.
Minutes of the Commissioners Meeting of 01.11.10
...are now available by clicking
U92 Maughold Mountain Path Closed to Motor Vehicles for Winter Period
The U92 Upland Path from Glen Mona to Lonan is now closed to motorised vehicles. Click
here to view a map which indicates the route of this and other upland paths across the Island. The DoI Minister has recently written to the Commissioners indicating that works are being planned to improve the delineation of the path where it has become indistinct, and to improve drainage where possible. To view a copy of the Closure Orders click
Observance of the Two Minute Silence
The Commissioners ask residents to note the following request from the Chief Minister's Office:ACT OF REMEMBRANCE
A Two Minutes’ Silence in remembrance of all those who have died in the Service of their Country will be observed in the Isle of Man at 11.00am on:-
(i) Thursday 11th November 2010 (ii) Sunday 14th November 2010
The full co-operation of the public in the observance of the Two Minutes’ Silence is requested. The suspension of all vehicular traffic between 11.00am and 11.02am on the designated days is also requested and it is especially hoped that drivers of motor vehicles will stop the engines of vehicles during the periods of silence.
A18 Mountain Road Closed Tuesday 9th & Wednesday 10th November
The closure will be for filming and will be in operation for the two days between 9.30 am and 4.30 pm. The road will be closed from Barrule Park through the Maughold Sections to the the Bungalow.
Jack's Lane Closed for Removal of MEA Pole 08.11.10
The road is likely to be closed until mid afternoon today - Monday 8th of November 2010.
IRIS Sewage Meetings Take Place
The two Public Meetings regarding the proposals of the Water and Sewerage Authority for new sewage facilities took place during week commencing 1st of November. About 80 residents attended the two meetings in total and offered a range of constructive comments on the proposed schemes. Representatives of the Water and Sewerage Authority committed to investigating several options which were raised at the meetings. They also committed to making the presentation material available on line on their web site in the next few days; a link will be set up from this site as soon as the information is available.
Full details of the meetings will be published at the same time. Please contact the clerk on 422148 or via e-mail if further information is required at this stage.
Bonfire Night at Dhoon
Maughold Social Club's Bonfire event takes place tonight (5th of November) at the Dhoon Church Field. The bonfire will be lit at 6.30 pm with the fireworks being set off from 7.00 pm. In the event of poor weather further announcements will be made later today on Manx Radio and on this website.
Catch up with details of this and all of the clubs forthcoming events by clicking
The Commissioners' Audited Accounts for Year End 2010...
are now available for residents to view at the Commissioners' Office. Opening times vary.
Please contact the clerk via e-mail or on 422148 for further details.