Latest News
Wednesday 30 March 2011
  Maughold Social Club March Newsletter
is available via the community and clubs page.
Monday 28 March 2011
  The Daffodils announce the Coming of Spring to Maughold

The daffodils are currently cheering everyone up as they travel through and in the Parish. The Coast Road is particularly vibrant between Hibernia and Slieau Lewaigue. All this is the best encouragement to get us into Maughold's marvellous glens and other quiet places. Why not visit the Dhoon Arboretum which has never looked better and is a wonderful enclosed spot for a picnic.
  Dhoon School Students put on Magnificent Spring Show!

The Dhoon School Daffodil competition was recently judged by Mrs Lace CP and Mrs Stephens, both from the Commissioners. The number and quality of the flowering planets was very encouraging, and caused the judges all sorts of problems in making their choices! As usual the standard of decoration of the pots was fantastic with many colourful and creative ideas. Edible prizes were awarded to all with the winners receiving chocolate eggs. A very big thank you from the Commissioners to the pupils and staff who have put in so much work to ensure an enjoyable and successful competition!
  Fly Tipping at the Gooseneck

As the photograph shows, old electrical applicances do not sit very nicely against the dramatic backdrop of Barrule. This chest freezer has just been removed by the Commissioners from a field by the Hibernia-Gooseneck Road. It follows on from a flat screen television that was dumped at the same location last year. It would be rewarding to find the individuals responsible for this unlawful tipping.

Unfortunately, the removal has costs have to be borne by the ratepayer. Please contact the Commissioners or Ramsey Police on 812334 if you have any information in regard to this matter. Thank you to those Members of the Public who alerted the Commissioners of its presence.
Monday 14 March 2011
  Key found at Kirk Maughold Bring Bank
If you've lost a key at the Maughold Village bring bank please contact the Commissioners on 422148.
  Minutes of the March Meeting of the Commissioners...
...can be accessed by clicking here.
Friday 11 March 2011
  Not to be Missed! Big Bingo Night at the Glen Mona 31st March
See our Community and Club page for full details!
Thursday 10 March 2011
  Issues of Concern
The Commissioners are currently working with government on many issues in the Parish; including the following:
- identifying Pot holes and edge break up on many of the Parish's highways;
- dog fouling nuisance at Port Lewaigue, particularly the Gob ny Rona walkway;
- damage to the Maughold Uplands. Following pressure from the Commissioners, the DoI are undertaking major works on the upland path running from behind the Glen Mona Hotel over the tops to Lonan;
- ensuring that provision at the Swimming Pool in Ramsey is not reduced as threatened;

If you have any comments or concerns relating to the Parish, please contact the Commissioners.
A 'Surgery' also runs from 7.00 pm until 7.30 pm prior to every meeting of the Commissioners (usually the first Monday of the month at the Dhoon Church Hall). All welcome!
  Dhoon School Daffodil Competition
Judging takes place on Friday 11th of March at the school. For the very first time the competition will be judged by two of your Commissioners. Captain of the Parish, Mrs Hazel Lace and Mrs Stephens will undertake what is always a very difficult task. The annual event involves all the pupils in the school and is funded by the Commissioners. The children plant their own bulbs with the Commissioners in the autumn and decorate their flowering bulbs in the spring. Results out week commencing 14th March. Edible prizes are awarded to all the pupils. Good luck!
  Maughold Social Club - Information on the Community & Club Page
Click here for the latest newsletter from the Club.
Wednesday 9 March 2011
  Street Parties
Advice has been received from government on the requirements that should be satisfied by anyone wishing to hold a street party in their area. The advice can be obtained by either contacting the Commissioners or telephoning Denise Maddrell at Highways on 686930.
Monday 7 March 2011
  Shrove Tuesday in Maughold...
...culminates in the Pancake Racing in the Village from 4.00 pm. All will be made welcome, all ages can race - bring your own pan if you can. Further details of Maughold Social Club's events are available via the Clubs and Community page; along with downloadable membership subscription forms.
  Agenda for the March meeting of the Commissioners...
is available by clicking here. The meeting will be preceeded by a 'Commissioners Surgery' from 7.00 pm at the Dhoon Church Hall. Come along to discuss any matter with which you think your local authority can assist.

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