Latest News
Wednesday 18 September 2013
  All Welcome to Civic Service at the Dhoon!
The Commissioners welcome all residents to attend the Civic Service at Dhoon Church this Sunday the 22nd of September at 3.00 pm. The service will include music from children of the Dhoon School and will be led by Nigel Cretney and Reverend Lowdon. Refreshments will be served in the Dhoon Hall following the service.
Friday 13 September 2013
  Go to Ballaglass Glen and Prepare to be Amazed!
See some magnificent wood sculpture by visiting Ballaglass Glen. Click here for more details.
  The Minutes of the September Meeting of the Commissioners...
can now be accessed here.
Thursday 12 September 2013
  Garff Commissioners Meet with Mr Robertshaw to discuss Social Housing
The Commissioners of Garff (Laxey, Lonan and Maughold), have met with Mr Robertshaw and the DSC's Director of Housing, Mrs Deborah Reeve, to discuss how public sector housing may be administered in future years. The initial outcome of the Housing Review has been a proposal for public sector housing and sheltered accomodation across Garff to be administered as part of a new housing authority encompassing the central and eastern areas. The Commissioners have previously held discussions with both Braddan and Onchan Commissioners with a view to forming future partnerships. Details of the Housing Review are due to be formally announced in the coming weeks. Anyone wishing to find out more about the housing review can access information on the government website by clicking here.

  Why Not Visit the Dhoon Arboretum - There's Even a Treasure Hunt Now!
The end of Summer is a great time to visit the Arboretum at Dhoon. The trees are really flourishing now thanks to the efforts of the 'Dhoon in Bloom' volunteers, particularly Mrs Louise Smith who sadly passed away earlier this year. Mrs Smith was the inspiration behind the rejuvenation of the Arboretum and she will be greatly missed in the Parish.
Works continue on the viewing point and should be completed in the coming months. Why not visit to admire the view across the Parish to Barrule? If you do why not have a go at the Treasure Hunt which can be accessed here. Copies can also be obtained by contacting the clerk.
Wednesday 11 September 2013
  Dark Skies Project - A Role for Maughold?
Port Mooar has been identified as a potential site for designation as part of the Dark Skies Project being co-ordinated by Manx National Heritage. The location would be highlighted as a place to observe the night skies. The Commissioners would welcome comments on this proposal.
  Chief Secretary's Office co-ordinating World War 1 Commemorations
The Chief Secretary's Office has appointed a steering group to co-ordinate the Island's commemorations of the First World War. The Group will be chaired by Edmund Southworth, Chairman of MNH and is to include local authority representation through the Municipal Association. Further details will be announced in the media and on this website.
  Garff Authorities to Meet wit Mr Robertshaw to discuss Public Housing Review
Representatives of all three authorities in Garff, Laxey, Lonan and Maughold, will be meeting with Mr Robertshaw on September the 11th to discuss how the public housing across the Sheading will be administered in the future. Currently social housing in Garff is administered by the DSC, but the latest proposals are that this responsibility will be devolved to four housing authorities across the Island.
  Regional Sewage Treatment Strategy - Delay to works in Maughold Village/Port Mooar
The Water and Sewerage Authority has advised the Commissioners that the works planned for September to install sewage works at Port Mooar and Maughold Village have been delayed and will now take place in early 2014. As part of the works a new gravity sewer is to be constructed to convey sewage to a new IRBC treatment plant at Port Mooar.

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