Latest News
Sunday 26 January 2014
  Chief Minister's Cancellation Causes Consternation
The Chief Minister has cancelled his meeting with the Island's Local Authorities set for 29th of January 2014. High on the agenda would have been the proposals contained in the recent consultations and recommendations endorsed by Tynwald on Public Housing changes and Waste Collection. David Talbot, chair of the Isle of Man Municipal Association - which represents 19 of the 24 local authorities - expressed his disappointment on the cancellation in a direct letter to Mr Bell on the 23rd of January. In the letter, Mr Talbot stated that the Member Authorities had been "looking forward to a frank exchange of views on the future structure of local government". Mr Talbot continued, " The Municipal Association is not here to merely resist change but to encourage healthy debate as to how we can contribute to solving a national crisis which is not of our doing...we are prepared to play our part as local authorities, but we had expected better."
  Commissioners Request Dialogue on future of Dhoon Church Field as a Community resource
The Commissioners have written to the Archdeacon and Diocesan Board of Finance requesting a dialogue on the use of the Dhoon Church Field and Hall for community purposes. The Commissioners wish to secure the use of the field for the community and would consider the placement of play and leisure facilities at the location if some permancency could be assured by the church authorities. The Commissioners would welcome the input of the community to ideas for leisure facilities in Glen Mona and across the parish. Please contact the clerk on 422148 or 
Friday 24 January 2014
  Rate set for YE 15
      The Commissioners approved the rate for YE 2015 at their January meeting. The rate in the pound will remain at 96p, however the separate refuse disposal charge will increase in line with the above-inflation rise in costs for tipping domestic waste which have been imposed by government. The separate charge will rise by £11.94 to £95.92.  This charge covers the refuse disposal charges at the Energy from Waste Plant and the portion of the operational costs of the Northern Civic Amenity Site charged to Maughold.

  The Audited Accounts for YE 2013
Can now be viewed by clicking here. A paper copy can be viewed by contacting the clerk on 422148.
  Regional Sewage Treatment Strategy - Port Lewaigue
The Water & Sewerage Authority advise that works to install a sewage treatment plant to clean up emissions into the sea at Port Mooar will begin in January 2014. The plant will treat sewage from Booilushag and Maughold Village. The Commissioners have the latest copies of the plans which were first discussed at two public meetings in Maughold and will involve construction works at Port Mooar until November 2014. Please contact the Commissioners to view the plans on 422148 or
Friday 17 January 2014
  The Minutes of the January meeting of the Commissioners
...can be viewed here.

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