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FYI - Information on the lighthouse at Kione Vaghal (Maughold Head)
Follow this link to the Northern Lighthouse Board web site to find out a little more about the lighthouse at Maughold Head which has graced the cliffs there for over a hundred years (built 1914). The elevated 23m high tower stands 65m above the sea, and it has a range of 21 nautical miles.
Opportunity to quiz Home Affairs Minister over Policing Changes
Maughold Residents are invited to attend a meeting in Ramsey on Monday evening 29th September) at which the recently announced changes to policing structure will be discussed.
Home Affairs Minister, Juan Watterson, will be in attendance along with senior officers from the IOM Constabulary. The meeting is at Ramsey Town Hall and meets at 7.00 pm.
Maughold Commissioners take part in "The Big Debate"
Maughold Commissioners attended the recent meeting in Braddan regarding the future shape of local and national government. Members will feedback at their meeting on 6th October and a public statement will follow on these pages.
Speed Indicator Signs Installed
The residents of Glen Mona have for many years been concerned with the speed of traffic on the A2 through the village and past the Dhoon School. Those passing through the area will now notice the reappearance of 'Smiley Face' Speed Indicator Signs which are designed to provide a gentle reminder to drivers of their speed. Evidence gathered by the Commissioners in previous years, demonstrated that they had a marked effect on calming traffic.
The DoI had provided the two signs in 2005 which the Commissioners warden maintained and monitored. However, these were re-called several years ago and have not reappeared.
Due to pressure from the community, the Commissioners took the decision to source, install and maintain them in this sensitive location.
Garff Investigations Continue
The Commissioners will be attending a further meeting with their colleauges from Laxey and Lonan in mid-October to discuss the possibility of amalgamating the three authorities.
The amalgamation would require Tynwald approval, but government has offered very positive support to the initiative.
The Commissioners will report back via these pages following the meeting. Any move to form a single authority would be subject to the approval of the public.
Dhoon School Exhibition this Thursday - see Community & Clubs Page