Latest News
Sunday 30 November 2014
  See the agenda for the December Meeting of the Commissioners by...
clicking here.
Thursday 27 November 2014
  Larch in Dreemskerry Plantation to be Felled
DEFA advise that a large number of Japanese Larch will have to be felled in Dreemskerry Plantation.  Jason Bolt, the Area Forester, advises that the species makes up the largest component of the woodland, but, unfortunately, has become infected with the fungal pathogen Phytophthora ramorum (see UK Forestry Commission website here). The effects of this disease are not just the demise of the larch but many other plants and trees are also at high risk. As part of the IOM’s plant health strategy, and in the absence of any other viable treatment, it is necessary to fell all larch and any potential host material in a 250m radius from any infected tree.

Mr Bolt also advises that all non-susceptible species be left undamaged on the site which will help to maintain a continuous wooded cover appearance from a landscape and aesthetic aspect. The work is required to be completed before the end of March 2015. 
Friday 21 November 2014
  New Sewage Works Recently Commissioned at Port Lewaigue and Port Mooar
Maughold's Seas should be improving as the new sewage plants at Port Lewaigue and Port Mooar come on line to add to the new plants recently installed in Glen Mona and the Corony. Bathers, kayakers and sea goers will now benefit from the recently commissioned plant in Maughold. The Commissioners thank Manx Utilities for their hard work over the last years in planning and installing this equipment. It is to their credit that they participated in public meetings and took on board the concerns of locals prior to implementing this stage of the regional strategy. Screening has been planted at all sites where necessary to reduce the impact of the facilities.

The seas around Maughold will benefit further once new sewage plant serving Ramsey town is commissioned next year. More information from Manx Utilities.
Thursday 20 November 2014
  Ramsey Post Office Closure - Public Meeting Called.
It has been announced that there will be a public meeting next Wednesday 26 November at 7pm at Ramsey Grammar School West building to allow the public a chance to hear the reasons for the imminent closure of the Town's Post Office. 
Wednesday 19 November 2014
  Mr Cregeen reported to be attending Ramsey Commissioners meeting this evening
Graham Cregeen MHK, Chairman of IOM Post, is said to be attending Ramsey Commissioners meeting tonight in the Town Hall. The pressure group which has formed on Facebook are asking members of the public to attend to show the strength of opposition to the recently announced closure of the facility in the town. A Public Meeting is planned in the coming days.
Tuesday 18 November 2014
  Ramsey Post Office to be Closed Down in the New Year
It'll be a sad Christmas for 19 staff of IOM post who will be redundant in the New Year as the doors of Ramsey Post Office and the Regent Street Post Office in Douglas close for the last time. The Ramsey closure will affect the many Maughold residents who make use of the current facility; although government tell us that postal services will be picked up by the Local Spar shop the feeling is that things will not be quite the same. A community Facebook page has been opened to allow locals to register their support for a dedicated Post Office in Ramsey. Right click and choose and option  to view here. Will the government maintain its recently acquired habit of making U-Turns?
  The Minutes of the November Meeting of the Commissioners...
can be viewed here.
Saturday 15 November 2014
  The Commissioners accounts for Year End 2014...
...are now available for viewing at the Commissioners' Office. They will be uploaded to the Finances page of this site in due course. Until that time, they can be viewed here. Please contact the clerk on 422148 or via if you would like to view a copy, or if any further clarification is required.
Friday 14 November 2014
  Commissioners investigate taking control of hedge cutting and minor highway maintenance
The Commissioners are investigating the possibility of taking on a range of services from government following a meeting with Phil Gawne, Minister at the DoI, this week. These services include hedge cutting, street cleaning and gulley cleaning. It is envisaged that they would be delivered in partnership with Laxey and Lonan through the Garff Initiative. As an incentive government has stated that it will not impose the forthcoming tipping charge rises if the services are transferred. Once under their direct control, the Commissioners will be able to ensure that they will be delivered to a quality and standard that the community demands.

The Commissioners would welcome your views on the funding, organisation, and implementation of these services via or on 422148.
Thursday 13 November 2014
  The Planning List for Week including 14th November lists no applications in Maughold.
The Planning List will also be displayed at the Dhoon Noticeboard in Glen Mona on a weekly basis.
  Wind Farm Proposed: Six Miles out from Maughold
The Isle of Man Government has identified Danish firm Dong Energy as the preferred developer of an offshore wind farm in Manx waters on the east of the Island - just on our doorstep! They have also announced investigations into tidal power facilities at the north and south of the Island. More information and graphics available from the BBC. Environmental Impact Assessments will need to be done. Please forward comments to the Commissioners at
Tuesday 11 November 2014
November the Eleventh 2014. One hundred years since the first world war began. The names below are those of Men from the Parish who fell during that war, and  are taken from the War memorial in the Cemetery behind Kirk Maughold:

Major C.L. Brierley, Lancashire Fusiliers - Lieutenant L.H. Walker, Bedford Regiment - Trooper R.E. Allen, 9th Lancers - Private T.S. Corkill, Loyal North Lanes - Private W.H. Cowin, King's Liverpool Regiment - Private W. Comaish, King's Liverpool Regiment - Pte. G. Kissack Royal Canadian Regiment - Lance Corporal R.D. Corkill, East Lanes Regiment - - Private J.T. Kerruish, Army Service Corps - Private J.H. Richardson, Vancouver Battalion - Private S.P. Richardson Seaforth Highlanders - Rifleman S.K. Richardson, New Zealand Rifles - Private T.L. Redpath, King's Liverpool Regiment - Trooper R. Sutcliffe, Duke of Lancaster's Yeomanry - Private F. Wilson, Black Watch


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