Latest News
Wednesday 31 December 2014
  Maughold Planning 03.01.15
14/01458/B Erection of an agricultural building, Field 624157
Adjacent Ballaberna Cottage Hibernia. Details.

  Larch Felling Commences in Dreemskerry Plantation
Residents are reminded that the tree felling currently underway in Dreemskerry Plantation is a consequence of the ramorum disease in the Japanese Larch. See post from December here.

  ManSeis Seismic Array Experiment


Professor Mark Noel has forwarded the results of the seismic array experiment he has recently concluded. Various locations were utilised across the Island including one at St Maughold's Church Room in the village. Professor Noel told the Commissioners that as far as he was aware the ManSeis project represents the first deployment of a privately owned seismic array, since all others are operated either by nat  ional government, defence or university departments. 
He also advises that the Isle of Man is the ideal size for a small seismic array, having sufficient aperture to resolve the azimuth of arriving wavefronts. Although the experiment ran for only a short time, he has demonstrated the effectiveness of the technology and thanks all those who kindly allowed use of their premises to enable the experiment.
The array data has been used in the dissertation of a Student at Durham who has worked with Professor Noel. 
A fuller explanation of the Array Experiment has been provided by Professor Noel and is available here.
Monday 29 December 2014
  Follow Maughold Issues on Twitter & Facebook, road closures, weather alerts, service provision, etc

Maughold Parish Commissioners on Facebook

@MaugholdPComms on Twitter
Friday 26 December 2014
  Update of Electoral Register in New Year
DHA advise that electoral registration forms will be arriving through letterboxes early in the New Year. 

They stress that names will be removed from the voters list next year if forms are not completed and returned by March 18th 2015.

  Second Public Meeting Regarding Ramsey Post Office
Ramsey Commissioners have announced a further public meeting to discuss the future of Ramsey Post Office. It will take place on the evening of Thursday January 29th in the west-wing of Ramsey Grammar School. Time to be announced.
  90% of the Island's Planning Applications Approved in 2014
Click here for more information via Manx Radio News.
  U84 Old Douglas Road, Ballure One Way For Motorcycles
A one way system will be introduced for motorised traffic on the U84 'Green Lane' that runs from Ballure on the A2 Coast Road, continues up beside the plantation, and up to the Rhowin/Gooseneck Road. 
It is passable only by foot, cycle or motorcycle (see white line on Google Image). 
Traffic will be permitted in a downhill direction only on the track. The restriction will be in place until 1 July 2015, pending the implementation of a permanent order. Access to the property Cooil Veg will be maintained. 

In recent years the increased use by motor-cycles has caused deep ruts. On the lower sections these deep channels have conspired with storm water to wash away the soil/turf and reduce the track to the bed rock. 
The Commissioners welcome the recent work on the U84 and the one-way restriction being taken; they hope it leads to other types of user on foot and cycle to enjoy using the track once again.

They have long campaigned for adequate maintenance of the Green Lanes in the area, and had particular success in encouraging government to improve the condition of the U92 track from Glen Mona over the tops to Lonan. They will continue to monitor the Departments commitment to preserving the amenity of these lanes for all users.
Monday 22 December 2014
  Refuse Collection on Mondays as normal over Christmas and New Year.
Sunday 21 December 2014
  Ahh go on... join in...Hunt the Wren!
Those who know how to have fun will be Hunting the Wren on Boxing Day with Maughold Social Club. Without doubt the best antidote to festive over-indulgence, and guaranteed to lift the jade and make you feel better, fitter, and ready for the new year.

Meet at St Paul's Square on the 26th at 10.30 pm.
Wednesday 17 December 2014
  Labrador run over in Glen Mona
Police are appealing for witnesses after a vehicle collided with a Black Labrador dog in Glen Mona Village, Ramsey around 6.05pm on Tuesday 16th December. The driver of the vehicle failed to stop at the scene and continued on travelling towards the direction of Laxey. The dog suffered life-threatening injuries and is undergoing Veterinary treatment.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Constable 12 Kath GILES at Ramsey Police Station on 812234
Thursday 11 December 2014
  Read the Minutes of the Commissioners December Meeting...
by clicking here.
  Maughold Social Club Upcoming Events on Community and Club Page
Sunday 7 December 2014
  Commissioners Continue Investigating Provision of New Services in 2015
As indicated in previous weeks the Commissioners have begun investigating undertaking gulley cleaning, hedge-cutting and other minor highway services that DoI wishes to transfer to local authorities. The Commissioners are investigating the provision of these services through its partnership with Laxey & Lonan on the Garff Initiative. Mr Gawne, the DoI Minister has indicated that he would like local authorities to take over these services from April 2015. Government has indicated that it will not impose the 22p per tonne rise in tipping charges for domestic waste if these services are transferred. This should allow the new services to be delivered without any significant impact on the rates. However, costings and suitable contractors are currently being sourced and a final decision will be made by the Commissioners once the full financial and operational implications are determined.

The Commissioners are committed to keeping the public fully informed as the negotiations continue. For further details please contact the clerk at or on 422148.

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