Latest News
Thursday 30 July 2015
  The Agenda for Monday's meeting (03.08.15)...
...of the Commissioners can be read here...
Sunday 26 July 2015
  The Minutes of the July Meeting of the Commissioners...
can be viewed here.
Thursday 23 July 2015
  Latest Planning Applications in Maughold
Details of the latest planning application in Maughold can be accessed on or by clicking this link.
Monday 20 July 2015
  The Cutting of Road Side Hedges and the Law
  Parish Day: Great Entertainment and Wonderful Sports
Parish Day 2015 was a great success with marvelous entertainment provided by the Dhoon School, followed by sports and refreshments. Thanks from the Commissioners to all; particularly the Social Club, School Children, and the army of volunteers!
Great Day!
Friday 17 July 2015
  Parish Day Saturday!
Weather forecast just got a little better. Fingers crossed!

Maughold is currently humming to the tune of Singer sewing machines running up marvellous fancy dress creations!

Get those carbohydrates in for the Head Race! Much stamina required!
  Road Safety Matters
Please be aware. For reasons of road safety the Commissioners have sanctioned Hedge Cutting operations,where necessary, from Maughold Village along the bus route to the summit of Ballajora Hill. This will take place during week commencing 20th July. Please drive carefully as the machinery is slow moving on this single track section.
The Commissioners have also been weed spraying on the estates in the Parish at Port Lewaigue Close entrance, The Corony, and Ballagorry. Other areas such as the pavement from the flagpole down to Folieu Tram Stop have been made accessible to pedestrians following strimming operations.
Please be aware. For reasons of road safety the Commissioners have sanctioned Hedge Cutting operations,where necessary, from Maughold Village along the bus route to the summit of Ballajora Hill. This will take place during week commencing 20th July. Please drive carefully as the machinery is slow moving on this single track section.
The Commissioners have also been weed spraying on the estates in the Parish at Port Lewaigue Close entrance, The Corony, and Ballagorry. Other areas such as the pavement from the flagpole down to Folieu Tram Stop have been made accessible to pedestrians following strimming operations.
Saturday 11 July 2015
  "Bioblitz" at Port Mooar Saturday 11th July, 12.30!
 Your chance to explore the wildlife of our coastline and learn from experts from the Manx Wildlife Trust about its diversity. More details on 844432 or by following this link to Manx Radio's audio.

Sunday 5 July 2015
  Minutes Silence in Memory of Victims of the London Bombings of 7th July 2005
The Manx Government has asked local authorities to remind residents that a minutes silence will be held on Tuesday 7th July 2015 at 11.30 am, which is to mark the tenth anniversary of the London Bombings.

Saturday 4 July 2015
  The Garff Sheading Trail

As we strengthen our ties with our neighbours in Laxey & Lonan, why not find out about the 'Garff Sheading Trail' - maybe walk it! Download and print these images or contact the Commissioners for a printed version of the leaflet.

Copies will be available in the 'Maughold Exchange' (see below) at Port e Vullen in the next few days.
Friday 3 July 2015
  No planning listed in Maughold on weekly circular dated 03.07.15
  Tunisian Beach Attack - Minutes Silence at Noon Today as a Mark of Respect
The Manx Government has requested that all residents, bodies, and organisations observe a minutes silence at mid-day today (Friday 3rd July) as a mark of respect for the victims of the Tunisian Beach Attack.

The Commissioners flags in the Parish are flying at half mast today as a further mark of respect for the victims. This is in line with actions by government and local authorities across the Island.

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