Latest News
Friday 30 October 2009
  DLGE Minister Spells Out Scale of Difficulties to Local Authorities
Members of Maughold Commissioners joined fellow Commissioners and Officers from local authorities around the Island on Thursday 29th October to be briefed by the DLGE Minister on the consequences of the recent changes to the Revenue Sharing Agreement between the Isle of Man and the UK.

Mr Shimmin advised that the likely option was for structural and fundamental change and that the 'unacceptable' would now have to be given serious consideration. He went on to tell those present that the Department would now enter a period of consideration of all the options; after which local authorities would be told what changes were taking place. The impression being given that these changes would be non-negotiable.

No details of any changes were given by Mr Shimmin, but it is likely that an option that may be considered could be a reduction in the subsidy on tipping charges at the EfW plant which currently stands at 90%.

Mr Shimmin affirmed the autonomy of local authorities and advised them that in their rate setting they too must rise to the challenges presented by the changes imposed by the UK government.

He asked that local authorities did their utmost to generate their own solutions.

The Commissioners meet next on Monday 2nd November. It is expected that these matters will be discussed in detail.
Sunday 18 October 2009
  U92 Maughold Mountain Road to Close to vehicular Traffic in November
The U92 Maughold Mountain Road that runs up Glen Shone from beside the Glen Mona Hotel and up over the tops to Lonan is to be closed to vehicular traffic from November.

It is disappointing to report that the condition of the track has deteriorated even further. The Commissioners walked the path several weeks ago and noted that the ruts were deeper and wider than ever.

The Commissioners have applied much pressure to the Department of Transport over the last few years and have had some positive response. There are plans to carry out some repair work on the U92.

The intervention of the Department of Agriculture, particularly that of Minister Gawne, is a development that is welcomed by the Commissioners. It is hoped that a multi departmental approach will bring adequate resolution to this very poor situation.

The Commissioners would urge all residents with an interest in this matter to write expressing their views to the Minister at the DOT, Hon David Anderson MHK.
  Commissioners Propose Parish Garden Competition in 2010
The Commissioners are seeking to re-introduce the Parish Garden Competition in 2010
As in previous year's, it is intended that prizes will awarded in 2 sections: "Best Small Garden" & "Best Large Garden".

The winners will also be entered in the following year's Island in Bloom Competition

The Commissioners would welcome the comments and thoughts of residents on this proposal, and even at this early stage look forward to hearing from any resident with an interest in entering their garden in the competition.
Further details will be made available early in the New Year.
Friday 16 October 2009
  Ballafayle Cairn

Good news for Maughold residents and visitors to the Parish.

The ancient burial mound above Ballafayle has recently been cleared of the trees which had fallen during the big storm. The neolithic remains are now fully accessible and are well worth a visit. It is thought that the site may have once extended across the road and encompassed the Quaker burial ground, Rhullick Ny Quakeryn, in which William Callow is buried.

Ballafayle Cairn is a fine place to visit with spectacular views to Maughold Head and over the Irish Sea to the fells of the English Lake District. Combine a visit with a trip to Cashtal yn Ard at Rhenab, another internationally famous example of a neolithic burial cairn. Both cairns are thought likely to be over 4,000 years old and are amongst the largest examples of ancient burial monuments in the British Isles.
The adventurous visitor could also include a trip on the same day to see what is one of the finest collections of Celtic/Norse crosses in Europe. These are in the church yard at Kirk Maughold. Unfortunately these these are comparative youngsters and have only been around for about the last 1400 years!
They are nonetheless very impressive!

By the way click here to access the excellent 'virtual tour' of Cashtal yn Ard on the Manx National Heritage Website: and here to find out more about the crosses:


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