U92 Maughold Mountain Road to Close to vehicular Traffic in November
The U92 Maughold Mountain Road that runs up Glen Shone from beside the Glen Mona Hotel and up over the tops to Lonan is to be closed to vehicular traffic from November.It is disappointing to report that the condition of the track has deteriorated even further. The Commissioners walked the path several weeks ago and noted that the ruts were deeper and wider than ever. The Commissioners have applied much pressure to the Department of Transport over the last few years and have had some positive response. There are plans to carry out some repair work on the U92.The intervention of the Department of Agriculture, particularly that of Minister Gawne, is a development that is welcomed by the Commissioners. It is hoped that a multi departmental approach will bring adequate resolution to this very poor situation. The Commissioners would urge all residents with an interest in this matter to write expressing their views to the Minister at the DOT, Hon David Anderson MHK.