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Wednesday 11 February 2015
  Changes to organisation of Northern Civic Amenity Site imminent
The Commissioners have been summoned to a meeting on February the 23rd to discuss the operation of the Northern Civic Amenity Site at Balladoole. Currently the operational costs are paid through the rate-borne contributions made by residents across the north and north-east of the Island. Minister Gawne will be in attendance to represent government.

The Commissioners have long argued that as representatives of those who fund the facility they should have a say in how the site is run and who is awarded the contract to operate it. This will be the argument made by Maughold Commissioners at the meeting It remains to be seen whether government share a similar democratic vision. Maughold ratepayers will be charged £16,000 as their share of the running cost of the site in Year End 2016; that equates to around £4 per household. E-mail your views to and we'll put them to Mr Gawne.

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