Latest News
Thursday 27 August 2015
  Maughold Planning Applications List dated 28.08.15
One application this week: 15/00962/B, Sycamore House, Jacks Lane, Port e Vullen. Erection of a garden room extension to side elevation (amendment to PA 13/91019/B). Details can be viewed here.

Wednesday 26 August 2015
  Latest Maughold Parish Social Club Newsletter on 'Community' page now..., high places, and something for the sweet-toothed!
Saturday 15 August 2015
  This week's Planning can be viewed online...
One application in Maghal from the list dated 14.08.15.
15/00901/B Caardee,  Dreemskerry, Maughold, Creation of an additional window to dwelling.
View details here.
Wednesday 12 August 2015
  The Minutes of the August Meeting of the Commissioners...
are available here.
Friday 7 August 2015
  This Week's Planning In Maughold - list dated 07.08.15

15/00861/B Installation of a replacement 12.5m monopole with two replacement and two additional antennas and erection of an additional equipment cabinet within compound, Embankment Off A2 Bulgham Bay (Details here)
15/00863/B Erection of extension to existing detached garage with roof terrace over (comprising amendments to PA14/01052/B) (retrospective), Thie Ny Cronk Ballajora (Details here)
15/00880/B Demolition of existing rear extension and erection of a replacement two storey extension and erection of detached double garage (comprising amendments to PA 14/01195/B), Thie Y Chleree Church Road (Details here)
Hard copies can be viewed at Commissioners' Office. Please call the clerk on 422148 or email prior to visiting.
Tuesday 4 August 2015
  Investigations into possibility of a single Garff Local Authority on-going
The Commissioners continue to work with their counterparts in Laxey and Lonan on an initiative to amalgamate the three authorities. Once the proposals are fully investigated they will be presented to residents across Garff through, public meetings, on this web site, and through other media. Draft Orders are being finalised for progress through Tynwald should residents signal a desire for the process to go ahead following the public consultation period. The three Garff authorities already work closely together to provide a range of services including joint refuse collection, hedge cutting on minor roads and gulley cleaning. It is anticipated that the public consultation meetings  will take place in early autumn. Further details can be obtained via or on 422148.


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