This Week's Planning In Maughold - list dated 07.08.15
15/00861/B Installation of a replacement 12.5m monopole with two replacement and two additional antennas and erection of an additional equipment cabinet within compound, Embankment Off A2 Bulgham Bay (Details here)
15/00863/B Erection of extension to existing detached garage with roof terrace over (comprising amendments to PA14/01052/B) (retrospective), Thie Ny Cronk Ballajora (Details here)
15/00880/B Demolition of existing rear extension and erection of a replacement two storey extension and erection of detached double garage (comprising amendments to PA 14/01195/B), Thie Y Chleree Church Road (Details here)
Hard copies can be viewed at Commissioners' Office. Please call the clerk on 422148 or email prior to visiting.