Latest News
Wednesday 25 February 2015
  The Agenda for the March Meeting 0f the Commissioners...
...which takes place on Monday 2nd March can be read here. The meeting is in public.
  Transfer of Charges onto Rates begins in earnest...
As announced earlier on our Twitter and Facebook sites the sewerage charge has been set at 61.29p in the pound. This means that a typical property say on Ballagorry Drive or Port Lewaigue Close will have an additional charge of about £135.00 on the rate bill.
This comes fast on the heels of the rises in water charges and waste disposal charges that have escalated in the last four to five years meaning total rate demands have and are increasing exponentially.
The transfer of hedge cutting, gulley cleaning and street cleaning onto the rates will also impact in time; although government has made some concessions in regard to the cost of these which may protect the ratepayer in the shorter term.The above charges are beyond the control of local authorities and are the result of decisions made in Tynwald. Please e-mail or call the clerk on 422148, for further information.

Sunday 22 February 2015
  Planning List Publication Date 20.02.15 - No applications in Maughold this week.
See here for this weeks list.
Friday 13 February 2015
  MSC Limited - Find out about community events on our Community and Clubs Page
  Planning List from DoI - Amended Plans Land Adjacent to Close ny Foillan, The Colony
This weeks planning list includes one application in Maughold. It refers to amended plans received against Application 14/01369/REM Reserved matters application relating to PA 13/00057/A for erection of a dwelling with integral garage, addressing siting, design, external appearance, internal layout, means of access and landscaping, Land Adj To Close Foillan The Colony Port Lewaigue (Re-advertised due to amended plans received)

The application can be viewed on by clicking here.
Wednesday 11 February 2015
  Changes to organisation of Northern Civic Amenity Site imminent
The Commissioners have been summoned to a meeting on February the 23rd to discuss the operation of the Northern Civic Amenity Site at Balladoole. Currently the operational costs are paid through the rate-borne contributions made by residents across the north and north-east of the Island. Minister Gawne will be in attendance to represent government.

The Commissioners have long argued that as representatives of those who fund the facility they should have a say in how the site is run and who is awarded the contract to operate it. This will be the argument made by Maughold Commissioners at the meeting It remains to be seen whether government share a similar democratic vision. Maughold ratepayers will be charged £16,000 as their share of the running cost of the site in Year End 2016; that equates to around £4 per household. E-mail your views to and we'll put them to Mr Gawne.
Monday 9 February 2015
  A2 Coast Road One Lane Now Open...
The A2 at the Ballure Tram Crossing is open. The road is still down to one lane controlled by traffic lights. This situation is expected to remain for several more weeks. The bridge refurbishment will last a little longer, but should cause minimum disruption. The path through to Ballure Glen is closed.
  The Minutes of the February Meeting of the Commissioners...
can be viewed here...
Friday 6 February 2015
  Coast Road closed at Ballure Tram Crossing this weekend.
The A2 Coast Road will be closed at the Ballure tram crossing from 6.00 am Saturday 7th February until 6.00 pm on Sunday the 8th February. The road will remain open should the Mountain Road be closed. The Commissioners are advised that access to Ramsey will be maintained via Claughbane Walk. These arrangements are subject to change and latest updates can be accessed here.

Bus changes can be seen here, although the details refer to the previous weekend: the closure was postponed to this coming weekend. Good luck!

Thursday 5 February 2015
  Planning Applications in Maughold
There are no planning applications listed  in Maughold on this week's list dated 06.02.15.
  Maughold Planning Applications
The following Application at Thie Varrey, The Colony can be viewed by clicking here.

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