Transfer of Charges onto Rates begins in earnest...
As announced earlier on our Twitter and Facebook sites the sewerage charge has been set at 61.29p in the pound. This means that a typical property say on Ballagorry Drive or Port Lewaigue Close will have an additional charge of about £135.00 on the rate bill.
This comes fast on the heels of the rises in water charges and waste disposal charges that have escalated in the last four to five years meaning total rate demands have and are increasing exponentially.
The transfer of hedge cutting, gulley cleaning and street cleaning onto the rates will also impact in time; although government has made some concessions in regard to the cost of these which may protect the ratepayer in the shorter term.The above charges are beyond the control of local authorities and are the result of decisions made in Tynwald. Please e-mail or call the clerk on 422148, for further information.