Annual General Meeting of the Garff Joint Initiative Committee
The AGM of the Garff Joint Initiative took place on the evening of 30th of June 2010. Board members from Laxey, Lonan and Maughold expressed a strong desire to continue to develop further areas of joint service delivery. The Speaker of the House of Keys and Garff MHK, Steve Rodan was the guest speaker at the meeting. He spoke encouragingly of the current success of the Garff Initiative and of the opportunities that were presenting for its future development. Mr Rodan suggested that the Garff authorities would be wise to participate fully in the coming dialogue with Mr Cregeen, Member of the Department of Infrastructure; who was seeking to identify areas in which central government could support local authorities to deliver their services with even more efficiency.
The Garff authorities are currently investigating a wide range of services which they may be able to deliver together for the benefit of the ratepayer. It was agreed that means to combine further services could be found that did not compromise the close relationship between each Board of Commissioners and its community.